

難易度★【VOA Learning English】Researchers in Israel Create First 3D-Printed Heart



  • 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ (1)
  • 長さ :★★★☆☆ (3)
  • 読むのにかかった時間:8 min
  • Words:568



  • patient: 患者
  • show off: 見せびらかす
  • blood vessel: 血管
  • biology: 生物学
  • mark: 示す
  • fatty tissue: 脂肪組織
  • routinely: 日常的に
  • complication: 合併症
  • end up: (in)最終的になる、(with)することになる
  • in place: うまくいって、準備が整って、正しい位置に
    • take place: 起こる、発生する、行われる
    • in the first place: まず第一に、そもそも


  • Is・ra・el | ɪ́zriəl|-reɪ(ə)l |
  • Is・rae・li | ɪzréɪli |
  • do・nor | dóʊnər |
  • com・pli・ca・tion | kɑ̀(ː)mpləkéɪʃ(ə)n|kɔ̀m- |

(2019.04.23) 追記しました。






It's a story about the world's 1st success case of creating heart by 3D printer. Surprisingly that heart is based on the cell from donor, and working 'blood vessels' are also reproduced properly, according to the article. It sounds like the success will be only a matter of time and money.

I'm not sure well because it's highly technical, but is it possible to create relatively complicated organs like a bone marrow? If so, it's immeasurably useful and helpful for human race. I'm not sure whether it's fine to create these kind of organs if donor has some genetic diseases because every organs should be based on the donor's cell.

(Alert: from here the topic will extremely get sidetracked) If the technology progresses more and more, the speed and accuracy will also be dramatically increased, and the coverage of available organs will be also close to 100%, and then it's gonna be possible to create an entire body. It means the de-composition and re-composition of human body will be able to conduct done with incredible speed.

Plus, if we're gonna able to transfer every data from brain to the other brain with the massive progress of the brain science...we will be able to teleport! (Sorry I love cyberpunk so much xD)