

Kyodo News+

難易度★【Kyodo News+】Driverless trains back on track in Yokohama -- with drivers

english.kyodonews.net 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ (1) 長さ :★☆☆☆☆ (1) 読むのにかかった時間: 5 min Words: 280 Expressions It said the number of trains running is around 60 percent of usual, while acceleration on departure has been slowed. 'while' は '…

【Kyodo News+】Young entrepreneur finds true calling in granny's rural tea shop

オンライン英会話です。 読むのに三日かかりました。長かった! Young entrepreneur finds true calling in granny's rural tea shop 単語 granny: Grand parents, especially granma - 祖父母、おばあちゃん outnumbered: (数が)上回る、より多い shrub: …