

【VOA Learning English】Report: 25 Percent of US Jobs at Risk of Being Lost to Machines


Report: 25 Percent of US Jobs at Risk of Being Lost to Machines


  • upskill - teach (an employee) additional skills: スキルアップさせる
  • reskill - teach (a person, especially an unemployed person) new skills: 新しい技術を学ぶ
  • exposure – n. situation in which someone is affected by something because they are in a particular place or situation: さらされること、影響されること
  • turned over to: 〜に転用される
  • get along with: うまくやる、折り合う
  • manning: 持ち場につく、人員を配置する
  • underrepresented: 少数派の
  • make up for: 埋めあわせる
  • in the recent past: ここ最近、近年




人間減らして採用したロボットも解雇って、どんなディストピア、、、と思いましたが、こちら (Japan’s robot hotel lays off half the robots after they created more work for humans)の記事では「ロボットが人間のための仕事をたくさん作り出したのちにレイオフされた」というタイトルでちょっといい話風に書いてあるっぽい。今度読もう。


(2019.02.05) 更新しました。
(2019.02.06) 添削&更新しました。


This is an article based on the report which predicts robots and automation might take over human's jobs. As mentioned in the title, 25% jobs in the U.S. is exposed to high risk. I can see the robot named 'Pepper' in the picture, but I don't want to see the world in which 25% of humans are replaced by that robot... No, maybe it's funny, though.

In Japan, there is a hotel named 'weird hotel' where many robots are working as an attendant, a cleaner, and so on. But recently, most of these robots were laid off due to some reasons.

Humans were fired and were replaced by robots, then at the end of the day, these robots are fired too.... what a distopia dystopia! But I found another article here:

Japan’s robot hotel lays off half the robots after they created more work for humans - The Verge.

It says 'robots created more work for humans'... hmm, I guess it's a kind of beautiful good story. The author might found it 'a blessing in disguise'.